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Get naked. Do witchcraft. |
I've never been disappointed in a Witchbaby box, and this time is no exception. Even on occasions where a body butter scent wasn't up my alley I couldn't say that it was a bad product. Everything I've ever gotten from Witchbaby has been a quality product, and when it does happen that I don't care for a scent (too floral, not spicy enough, whatever) I have sisters and nieces and girlfriends who are all just as into this brand as I am. Typically this works out great because my sisters and I have very strong signature scents, so right away I know which items are a good fit for which sister.
In this box I didn't get a butter, which is fine because I have a TON. What I did get was a Candy Quartz body scrub, which is soooo good! The Candy Quartz body butter had been included in the spring (?) Spell Box and I would have been happy to drown in that stuff. I'm super stoked to see this scent as a body scrub, and I look forward to not being poor anymore so I can order more butter.
What was unusual was the inclusion of a New Moon bath bomb. It's typical for there to be a bath bomb for every full moon in a quarter, and two of those are in January which is why there's a Blue Moon bomb. I'm kind of stoked for the extra fizzies, and this winter I have three (plus a total lunar eclipse) to choose from.
This is the second time there's been a pin in a Spell Box, and I love pins. I'm a little bit of a pin hoarder, if I'm being honest, and this one is really cool. I also dug the assortment of candles with anointing oil. I have the unique gift of coming into weird things I need just when I need them, and it was getting to be about that time to find some candles. It's not a particularly big deal to head into Kent to find some or even order them online, but things have a way of falling into my lap and I appreciate that. Thanks universe!
The Fairy Milk is very pretty and smells nice, but once again I don't have much call for shimmery oils. Normally I'd look to include it in a gift but this one smells nice enough that I'm contemplating ways I can use it after all. I may decide to attempt to make a small batch of body butter so that it's in a more manageable form for me. Maybe. Honestly, there's a reason why I throw my money at all of these small businesses: They know what they're doing and they do it well. We'll see what happens.
(spoiler: probably nothing good)
In addition to Witchbaby, which came in a week or so ago, I also got my November Creeper Crate. This one came a couple days late, but only just a couple. I've noticed that Jamie has been having a few vendor issues with this and her Nightmare Before Christmas Crate (which I didn't order), so I'm not overly upset about it. It's not like other subscriptions I've had that basically dicked their customers over before finally folding. But I wasn't as stoked about this crate as I was about the Sam one. In retrospect I probably should have skipped this one because, contrary to my reading habits as a teenager, I'm not actually that into vampires. I'm sure it's just in my head but it feels, to me, like vampires are a girl's obsession and I'm a grown ass lady who prefers my horror to be less romantic and more "I should probably seek therapy."
Having said that, I still dig the t-shirt. It doesn't scream "vampire" to me as much as "Rocky Horror Picture Show," so I'm just going to pretend that that was the intention.
But we can't get too dirty because there is included in this crate a blood orange scented soap from Sick Soaps!
I couldn't get a good sniff through the plastic, and I'm disinclined to open it before I'm ready to use it, but I like blood orange and fully expect it to smell good.
Next came a sticker.
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It didn't do a lot for me. It's a well made sticker, with no smears or runs, but...like I said, were I a smarter woman I would have just passed on this crate. Waited it out until December's Krampus. Still, I like Near Dark and I like stickers so it'll join the others on my mirror.
Demonic Pinfestation is a pretty regular part of the Creeper Crate lineup, and I love it. I have a confession to make. I frequently want to buy pins from Demonic Pinfestation but I'm somewhat intimidated by their work. I get like that sometimes, where something is almost too good for me to buy. Like maybe I don't deserve it? I dunno. Either way I can now add a Lilith pin (Tales From The Crypt: Bordello of Blood, for those who may not know) to my growing collection from this company.
Ok. I like Fright Night. I haven't had a chance to see the 2011 version because I'm lazy and forget to do things, but I hear that it was pretty good. While I'm reserving judgment, I'm willing to bet it's not terrible.
I don't like this post card. I like that it's a post card, don't get me wrong! I just...
I just don't collect a lot of vampire things! I mean, I collect some but it's often more of the campy variety. I will never meet my dark prince and be whisked away into a blood and sex drenched endless night because I need to scrub out my bathtub and make dinner. And I'm cool with that.
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Can we speed this up? I want to make it to the preschool pickup line early. |
I won't be reviewing Magick and Macabre's December Horned God box because I'm broke. I've taken on more financial hardship this month than the typical holiday spend-fest and I've had to suspend most - if not all - of my subscriptions. I'd be more bummed but the nice thing about Magick and Macabre is that you can still order a box after it's subscription date. You may end up spending a bit more, depending on what was in it, but if it turns out I truly feel like I missed out on something I will still have an opportunity to get it. I'll also be missing out on January's Creeper Crate, for the same reason, but similarly may be able to get this crate later if there are extras after its subscription run. I've already paid for Krampus earlier last month, so I'll still have something to look forward to this month.
Until then!
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