Almost as soon as I hit "publish" on my last post Magick and Macabre's Wicked Witch Subscription box showed up on my doorstep. I always sort of hate people who jump to post unboxing videos because, depending on where you live, there may be a lag in delivery time. And spoilers are almost always a bummer. So I waited until I was certain that those who ordered this box had it in their witchy little mitts because I don't really write this for the "initiated," if you will, but for those who might be on the fence about ordering certain boxes or for those who are just interested in new stuff that they might not have heard of.
Last month was their Samhain themed box, which was mostly worthwhile for the mini cauldron, but honestly I wasn't super stoked about most of the rest. I felt like it fell somewhere between for those who are really just beginning in any sort of witchcraft and is super pumped to do any and every spell, and for those who who just like to dabble. Because I'm neither a neither of those, nor am I a ritual Pagan, or even someone who has a dedicated altar, this box just didn't hit the bullseye dead on. But the minute you whisper the words "Kitchen Witch" I'm almost certainly sold. I'm not a girl who frequently feels the need to pull out all the stops and go whole hog in magic, but I am a girl who has a few tricks up her sleeve when I'm in the kitchen, garden, or bathtub. Are there cups of vinegar in my freezer...for reasons? Maybe.
I am a sucker for Halloween and witchy-themed pot holders, and this fits the bill perfectly! I love when folks have the good sense to save Halloween stuff to give me later in the off season, and while I know that it wasn't picked specifically for me, it felt like it was. When I got my own home for my son and I, and later Bob and LeeLee, one of the first things I picked up to sort of make the place my own was a little sign that says "Home of The Wicked Witch and Her Little Monsters." This would wind up being my favorite thing in the box because it felt...special. It brought back good memories.
Another item that hit home perfectly was Magick and Macabre's La Befana wax melts. I like my house to stink pretty, and I especially love the scent of baked goods, so (insert heart eye emojis here)! Technically La Befana is a Yule character, but if ever there was a witch who got up to shenanigans in the kitchen I'm sure it's her. Plus I'm not super familiar with Italian traditions concerning holidays or the belief in witches and witchcraft, except for maybe vaguely in passing (I knew there was a Christmas witch, I just didn't know anything about her), so it gave me something to learn about. We're not Italian, but I'm seriously considering introducing the idea of a Christmas Witch to Stinkbug.
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Pentacle Ritual Spoon |
This was very impressive? I'm unsure of what kind of wood it's made of, and in retrospect I wish I'd emailed them to find out for this. I still will, but whether I remember to update is totally a mystery. As I mentioned, I'm not a dedicated altar kinda kid, but I'd seriously consider trying to set one up with this little guy and last month's mini cauldron. While the post holder was my favorite thing, this was definitely the coolest. Almost too cool for me. I'm not cool.
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You can't sit with us. |
Under the spoon you may have noticed a little hand drawn card. It's a mini-zine with tea recipes! I'm a tea whore and I love recipes, so I'm into it. This neat little goody is meant to correspond with:
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Love Tea Kit |
An organic blend of teas crafted by the owner of Magick and Macabre, Bee. It came in a pretty basic tin, which I appreciate because utility trumps aesthetics any day for me, a tea sachet and a chunk of rose quartz. Will I use it magically or will I just drink it? Probably just drink it, unless someone suddenly needs some extra love. I always seem to have what people need just laying around.
Co-worker needs a smudge stick? I have 20. Certain crystals? I probably have you covered. I'm the mom-est of witches. You want some soup? I've got some cooking right now.
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Kitchen Witch Pentacle Necklace |
I'm not sure what makes this a "Kitchen Witch" pentacle specifically, unless it's the ginger, but I rarely look cute jewelry that suits my style in the mouth. I don't have a lot to say about it; it's intentions to bring about good health, personal strength, and general positive energy can't really be empirically tested. I've been having fewer crap days, which doesn't necessarily correlate with wearing a new pentacle necklace. Whatever. C is for cookie and that's good enough for me.
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More Black Salt |
I'd gotten black salt in a Witchbaby Spell box a few months back, but that had been ritually treated sea salt that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can be consumed. This is fancy salt. Fancy eatin' salt. That I can still get up to stuff with. Get you some salt that can do both girl! I plan on tasting and testing it as just plain food first, and then I may sit on it (not literally) for a while as I decide what I'm going to do with it.
As I've mentioned, almost all boxes are very hit or miss with me, and I've bought M&M boxes in the past and said "This isn't for me." But then they have a theme that lures me in. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have gotten November's box if it weren't "Kitchen Witch." Unless, of course, she figured out some other way to lure me in. This box was from start to finish one of the best boxes I've ever gotten. It's rare that I get to say this but it's almost as if it were curated just for me. I'm severely tempted to get the Horned God box for December, but it will very much depend on my finances here in the next couple of weeks. After all, 'tis the season to go into crippling holiday debt! And I have several nieces and nephews. And a Stinkbug.
*I should note, if I haven't in the past, that I'm never paid for my opinions on any product I write about. Everything is paid for out of my own pocket and I only buy what I'm interested in. MY LOVE CAN NOT BE BOUGHT!!! (maybe)
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