Hey. It's been a minute. Several in fact, so where to start?
Well, there's been life and junk in the slightly-more-than-a-year that has gone on. My mom is currently undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer. Her prognosis is good, so it's more like just maintaining some normalcy while she walks around with toxic junk constantly being pumped into her via a travel pump. It's weird to say, but NBD.
Stinkbug is officially diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum, which is another one of those weirdly NBD things. We just live our lives; he lost his first tooth, he's starting kindergarten this fall, he sees specialists here and there.
I've drastically scaled back on the sub boxes I'm purchasing, and honestly I haven't gotten a ton worth getting super bloggy about in the time I've been away. I recently started getting the Parcel Of Terror from
Cryptocurium, which is pretty rad, but then I had to promptly unsubscribe because I had to choose between that or air conditioning this summer. I don't like being hot. But I also signed up for The Order of The Thinned Veil, and as far as purchase decisions go--I'm pretty stoked. I can't really put into words adequately how into it I am.
I'm still around, doing the things and such. I'm hoping that posting this will nudge me into doing so more often.
Things to (hopefully) look forward to:
- The next two installments of The OTV
- A podcast! In collusion with Joss Hoskie; two socially awkward people who hate public speaking are going to do the public-est of speaking. So now it's public knowledge and that might actually put a fire under our asses.
- Uhhh...More personal junk than usual? I don't actually know. I'm great at lists but bad at planning, which is weird and counter-intuitive.
Here's an old picture of my kid. |