Monday, October 16, 2017

I'm Baaaaack!

It's been a hot minute, or two years worth of them at least.  While I've been gone Nerd Block, and subsequently Horror Block, has gone belly up.  I've gotten a new job, Stinkbug can finally talk, and my house is packed with more junk than ever before.

I've subscribed to different boxes since then, some only one-off purchases while others are more long term commitments.  I've been meaning to review some of these, but I've been insanely busy with work and household garbage. I always feel like I should be doing videos because that's what everyone does - it's all the rage you know - but I just never got the hang of doing videos, I don't particularly like doing them, and I just plain like writing better.  Sue me.

Please don't.

I recently got boxes from Glamour Ghoul and Magick & Macabre.  I didn't get a chance to photograph everything in both boxes, but I'll  share what I can.

First up, Glamour Ghoul!

I'd never gotten a box from this company before, and I only really got excited about this one because its theme was Box of the Living Dead.  The thing about these types of boxes is that it's hit or miss that I'll like everything, or anything, in them.  It's been a solid truth for all boxes, but it's especially true of boxes specifically geared toward female or femme horror fans.  They rely heavily on jewelry and cosmetics, and I'm pickier than most about both.  I don't wear a lot of make up, and I have a standing no-jewelry rule when it comes to receiving gifts from a significant other.  Because of this, Glamour Ghoul was a personal miss for me. 

Living Dead Girl Body Scrub

First up, from Ginger Voodoo is Living Dead Girl Body Scrub.  I'd never been a fan of body scrubs until I'd gotten one from a Spell Box from Witch Baby Soaps, and even though I haven't tried this one yet I'm going to say this was a hit because it smells like strawberries and cream candy.  Inside was a little skeleton charm, which was a neat bonus.

"They're coming for you Barbara!"

Next up was a bit of a miss from Murderous Jewels.  I haven't had a chance to check out her full collection, but I reason I'd easily find something I'd be into based on the fact that I like the style of the bracelet.  Just not the charm.  I'm not that big a fan of the zombie genre as a whole, and had hoped for a more Romero-film themed box.  For that I'd have been better advised to seek out a more traditional horror themed mystery box, so I knew going in that there was bound to be some things I just didn't dig as much as others.  On the bright side, as I mentioned, I like the style of the bracelet so switching out the charm won't be that big of a deal.  Plus, whenever I get things that I'm just not feeling that much I know at least one friend will actually super love it.  I already have a friend in mind for the charm, so hooray for random gift in the middle of October for her!

Living Dead Notebook

From The Risky Rabbit comes the Living Dead Notebook.  It's a little field notebook, and little field notebooks are one of my favorite things.  I have about a million of them.  I use every freaking one.  I'm a compulsive list maker and I appreciate anyone who feeds my obsession, intentionally or otherwise.  Not pictured is the back, with The Risky Rabbit's logo and a memorial plate in honor of George A. Romero.  A+++

Zombie Soap

From a company called The Painted Cat comes BRAAAAAIIIINSSSSS!  I'd have linked this one, but unfortunately contact info wasn't included.  The official name is "Night of the Purring Dead" and it's alleged to be raspberry/vanilla scented.  I don't know, because I haven't opened it.  But it's cute as eff, so this one is a winner so far.  Short of causing a hideous rash, soap will always be a hit in my book.  Probably one of my field books that I keep full of ridiculous lists.


Next up, a zombie cookie cutter from 3D Dreaming. I don't bake, or at least not often.  But don't let that fool you, because I have ONE BILLION COOKIE CUTTERS!!!  I have no idea why.


Finally, from Rebel Rouge Labs comes Zombie Liquid Illuminator.  My spell check would like me to know that "illuminator" is not a a word.  I can only assume that my spell check doesn't know anything about makeup or cosmetics in general. 

I feel ya' Spell Check.  At first I thought this was going to be a scented body oil, but couldn't detect a scent.  So I put a little on my skin to see if my body heat would get things going.  Holy schnitzel, that stuff is sparkly and shiny!  No me gusta! This product, while very very pretty, functions on the assumption that I plan to have enough skin exposed to make it worth using.  That's just not happening!  We're finally creeping closer and closer to sweater weather, and I have been waiting all freaking summer for it.  I'm a bitch that wishes that hijabs weren't religious-wear because DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!!

My sister will love it, because she is a sparkly fairy princess.

Now for Magick & Macabre:

More Soap!
This is Paranormal Pumpkin Soap from Magick & Macabre.  I like that this box comes with a little more info about the products in it, and according to the little card this soap is made by paranormal investigators who use it for both physical and spiritual cleansing after investigations.  Neato.  I can't attest to it's psychic sudsy goodness, but I can say that it smells pretty interesting.  Not at all like other pumpkin scented products, which smell distinctly sweet and sometimes cloying.  This is much more herbal.  Time will tell how in love with this I am, but so far it's not bad at all.

It's a rock y'all!

Tourmaline to be precise.  There's really not a lot to say about this except that I didn't already own a piece.  So, now I do. 

 'Bout to get witchy up in here! 

The Jack O' Lantern Open Veil Protection Spell includes an instruction sheet, an undetermined blend of anointing oil, and a tea light candle.  The actual witchcraft components of the Wicked Witch Sub Box is usually of the 101 variety, which isn't surprising.  I'd be a little appalled if she included instructions for anything complicated or for high rituals.  That's just nutter butters.  Will I use it as instructed.  Lulz, no.  I never do anything as instructed unless someone is paying me.  I do what I want, which is probably why I'm frequently in trouble both socially and legally.  In my defense, I never do anything bad enough to have to resort to witchcraft to get myself out of it.  So far.  I'm relatively young.

You promised not to sue me.

More witchy stuff ahead!

Next up is a Black Stone Scrying Bowl.  This alone made the whole box worthwhile.  I could scry, I could use it as a tiny cauldron.  I could dump stuff in it and forget I have it.  Door number three seems the likeliest fate for this little guy.  Funny that I say guy, since cauldrons are meant to represent the feminine. I call my mom Dude.  What are you going to do?

Please stop Googling lawyers.

What I didn't take pictures of were the little skull charm that was tied to the bag that contained the Samhain spell and a skeleton key necklace.  I assure you, they are both quite pretty and I am wearing them together on the same chain. 

Also not pictured is a bundle of black sage/mugwort.  I now own so much freaking sage I could cleanse all of Kent Ohio.  Black sage is used more for outright spirit communication than white sage, but they can be used similarly.  That's one of the pitfalls of ordering so many boxes this close to Halloween.  My kitchen smells weird.  My cats are going insane.

I don't typically get Magick & Macabre boxes, I've only gotten one or two before.  Honestly, I don't find them particularly useful, but they are fun.  And then, months and months later, I suddenly find a use for something in the box.  So I may not need all of that sage right now, but the new year is coming and I may decide to open a new business.  Something along the lines of paranormal defense.  I'm considering calling it Ghostbusters.

What do you mean that name's already in use?  And what does "copyright infringement" mean?